clinical hypnotherapist

Working as a teacher for twenty years Charlotte became very aware of the mental health issues children have to deal with today. In particular, she noticed the stress and anxiety young people are under during examination times and the social problems that can occur between friends.
With this in mind Charlotte has created a range of one or two hour workshops that she delivers in schools across the country to help children cope with these stresses.
Charlotte teaches the students practical skills to use to help them manage their emotions, especially when they are under examination pressure. These workshops have been very well received by pupils . . . CLICK HERE to read some testimonials from pupils that have been on these workshops.
If you would like any more information about the range of workshops or Charlotte coming to work in your school please feel free to contact her on 07793372829 or SEND A EMAIL.
Relaxation and Anxiety Busting Workshop
A 2 hour workshop that teaches young people to be in control of their mind.
During the two hours they will learn practical ways to deal with stress and
anxiety to enable them to feel calm and in control during examinations or at
stressful times in their lives. The workshop shows young people techniques,
such as Tapping and relaxation, Bi-Lateral Stimulation and Circle of Power.
Techniques they can continue to use after the workshop to help the young
people deal with their mental health.
This workshop is designed for Year 11, 12 and 13
Maximum number of students per workshop is 16
2 hours workshop costs £150
One to One Sessions
I am available to work with young people on a one to one basis. I can come to
your school and provide 30-minute sessions with individuals to help them deal
with their specific issues.
After students have previously attended a workshop this is an excellent way to
back up the techniques I have taught them and how they can then use them to
deal with their own personal issues.
In some schools the parents have been asked to pay for the one to one
sessions if they feel it would benefit their children.
One to one sessions work with anyone from Year 7 to 13
One to one sessions for 30 minutes costs £25
Anger Management Workshop
This workshop helps young people understand and try to help them re-direct
their anger. The workshop provides them with practical skills to help them
manage their anger and give them alternative techniques that can help them
feel calm and in control. The workshop teaches skills such as Tapping,
Superheroes, Bi Lateral Stimulation and many more.
This workshop is design for Years 11, 12 and 13
Maximum number of students per workshop is 16
2 hour workshop cost £150
Stress busting workshop for Staff
An hour workshop to introduce different techniques to help staff deal with any
stress and anxiety.
An excellent way to help staff feel calm and supported. This session could be
used with different foci across the school for example Senior leadership team,
NQT’s, middle managers.
Maximum number of staff per workshop is 16
1 Hour workshop cost £75
One to one sessions also available 1hour session £50
Charlie has worked with us for two years and has played a significant part in ensuring even our most anxious students are ready to face the exam season head on. She has worked with groups and given them stress management techniques and also with individuals to ensure they can mange themselves in the stressful exam period and beyond.
In addition she has helped staff including myself with managing pressure which has been invaluable for many of the team.
I thoroughly recommend Charlie to any school who are looking to support their students and staff.
Paul, Deputy Head's Feedback from the Stress Management Course